i've checked my inbox just now. i was so surprised to see this email from my friend.the title is "hanging rock-batu tergantung".the rock was claimed to be the place where our prophet Muhammad s.a.w sat when Israk Mikraj happened.when prophet muhammad s.a.w was about to be lifted up to the sky,the rock wanted to follow him but our prophet didn't allowed it by stomped his leg to the rock.this caused the rock to be hanging until now.i've uploaded the pic.it is said that the place is tightly guarded by the israel soldiers and even taking photos are forbidden.luckily,this photo has been taking out safely by someone who visited Al-aqsa.this rock was situated in the Umar mosque (Dome of the rock) near the Al-Aqsa mosque in Baitulmaqdis.i've heard about the rock but never see the pic.so here it is..Subhanallah..and it is also said that the israel has closed this mosque from visitors,that is why the story of the hanging rock remains secret.that shows the israel was scared that the miracle will be revealed to the world,and many will open their eyes and hearts to believe in Islam and finally embrace Islam as their religion and way of life.